Friday, January 29, 2010

Claire's hair

Claire's hair is a hot topic when people meet her or see her. Especially when it's just me and her. We basically have opposite hair, a lot like my BFF Cami and I used to say in college. Cami has straight, blond hair and I definitely have dark, curly hair. Claire's hair was strawberry blond when she was born. Now it's more of a blond without the red. When you see her with me, however, our hair could not be more different. Throw in her blue eyes and she really doesn't look like me at all! She's definitely her father's daughter. Jeremy often apologizes to Claire for the fact that she looks like him. I just reassure them both that it just means that Jeremy would be a pretty girl. (Love you, honey!) Jeremy and I couldn't imagine her being any more perfect or beautiful.

I noticed something else about my sweet daughter's hair a couple days ago. First of all, it's definitely showing a little wave (yay!!!!). Secondly, it's definitely getting mullet-like. Not bad enough to cut it. Just something we're going to have to keep an eye on. :)

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