Sunday, December 19, 2010

Miss Independent

Claire has decided to potty train herself.

Yes, you read that correctly.

And, no, she's not even two years old.

And, yes, I have a one month old to care for still.

We've been talking to Claire about using the potty for about two weeks now because she had started to act interested. Well, Friday night Claire DEMANDED to use it. Like threw a fit when we wouldn't let her at first. So Jeremy sat her on the big potty. She was not happy to get off but we promised to buy her her very own the next day. (I'm pretty sure Jeremy said that when Claire saw it in the store, she started to take off her pants and diaper.)

We bought her a potty and Claire was OVERJOYED to sit on it. AND WENT TWICE before we took her off. What in the WORLD??? So now she asks to use it often and we spend a lot of time hanging out on it. She hasn't used it since but you would think it was the greatest gift she's ever been given. Other than the Cozy Coupe car.

I'll be honest. I was even more overwhelmed and SAD by this development- for ALL SELFISH reasons. I'm trying to juggle a toddler and a one month old- I DON'T NEED AN ADDITION TO THIS ADJUSTMENT! However, after a few minutes, I realized this may really be a blessing: we're already pretty homebound and I need to be thankful that she's so willing and interested. So I'm okay with it now and we're rolling with it.


  1. Whoa!!! That's awesome!!! You're right, it's work now, during the transition, but having her out of diapers will be joyous! :)

  2. As long you are hanging at home, go for it!! Such a grown girl!!

  3. at least MJ can't crawl away while you're working with claire... or cleaning up accidents! : ) good luck!
