Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Feedback from Mamas

I've been working on a specialty in eating disorders and body image. I truly love these topics. I truly love meeting with women and talking about how there can be freedom in how you eat and how you look. You may read that and think something like, "I don't want to change anything" or "I don't have a problem" or "There's nothing wrong with being healthy." All could be true statements. But don't we all, at some point, feel a bit controlled by certain thoughts? Why not find some fun and freedom in what you normally do?

Here's my question for you:

As a Mom, what concerns you? What do you think about? How have things changed for you since having your kiddo(s)?

More to come...

1 comment:

  1. Good one Katy. Since kids I am MUCH more careful about the words I use. For instance I don't use the word DIET ever! We talk about healthy choices like fruits and vegetables and that treats are okay but not all the time. In regards to my own weight we talk about exercise to help my heart stay strong and healthy. I don't keep any diet foods or fake sugar around either.
