So this week we had to leave and stay some place else. We were fortunate enough to stay at my in-law's house. They have a big house that was empty so it was easy for us to crash there.
However. However. It's just not fun to be away from home. Especially with little ones.
Words cannot express how happy I am to be home. And we were only gone FIVE days. That's it.
(Side note: my morning sickness is back and I've been really sick this week. Read: not good conditions to be away from your own bed.)
I'm thankful for this week because I walked away feeling confident of a few things:
1. The size of our house is perfect. I had started to have house envy. Now I am realizing that it's the perfect amount of room for us and I couldn't take care of anything bigger. Well, I could. I'm just not sure I would want to.
2. We really don't need cable again. I've been wanting it lately (a lot), but I realized this week that all I watched was Food Network and I missed Hulu and Netflix. Not worth the extra money now that I'm so used to not having it. (and I seriously watched a LOT of cooking shows)
3. I always want to have a dog. Man, kids are messy.
4. I cannot live without internet. I got behind in work stuff and I felt disconnected. I'm dependent.
Again, please here me saying that I am so grateful we had somewhere to go, and a really nice place at that, and it WAS only five days. BUT I needed a reality check in order to be thankful for what God has given me ABUNDANTLY.
I think there's a nagging in all our hearts to want MORE. I'm realizing that the stuff I have is not the more I want. It's been good for my priorities and my heart to re-examine what's most important. What do I want to be filled with? What do I want to spend my time doing?
Not that wanting or having a big house is wrong. It's just not what I want. And for some reason I feel like I have to justify that- which I've realized is my own insecurity. Who cares what kind of house I live in? (aside from those living with me)
So things are changing around here. Well, SLOWLY changing as our house is still under construction and my morning sickness has returned. (And I have another bad cold and I'm getting over pink eye in both my eyes) Yes, that's kind of vague. I'm still trying to sort all this out myself and I don't want to send empty promises into the blog world. :)
I want to be filled with less clutter, more time spent reading the Word, more time enjoying my kiddos, more time with other people in my house, more time with people outside of my house, and more time to just BE.
And then I've got about 5 or 6 months until our world gets flipped upside down with the third kiddo.
Thanks for sharing, Katy. This was very encouraging to me.